Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Hasto Wardoyo, said that the abortion provisions for victims of rape and sexual harassment are meant to maintain their mental health.
The provisions are based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024.
“The law considers pregnancy from rape and sexual harassment as an emergency condition for abortion. That type of pregnancy can lead to schizophrenia or depression that threatens mental health,” he informed on Friday.
He emphasized that Indonesian doctors take a pledge to respect human life, right from conception to the end.
“Doctors have been sworn not to terminate life from conception to the end of life because we are a religious country with a pro-life principle, not pro-choice,” Wardoyo said.
Given that Indonesia adheres to pro-life, he emphasized that abortion can only be carried out in an emergency.
“We may perform an abortion in an emergency, at a certain age. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) once said 40 days, some others said 120 days. We need a ministerial regulation to determine the age,” he said.
He added that abortion is allowed for rape victims if the prospective mother is in an emergency state.
“For example, if the pregnant mother has a heart disease, she may not survive the pregnancy. Thus, the pregnancy can be terminated for the sake of the mother,” Wardoyo explained.
From a medical perspective, several types of abortion can be performed, including abortion due to medical indications or abortion provocatus medicinalis.
“There is also an abortus provocatus criminalis. This type of pregnancy is not in accordance with medical conditions. Followed by spontaneous abortions and infectious abortion due to infection,” he informed.
Earlier, the government stipulated several provisions for abortion, as laid down in Article 116 of Government Regulation (PP) No. 28 of 2024 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health, which was signed by President Joko Widodo and promulgated by Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno, on July 26, 2024.
Article 118 states that pregnancy due to rape or other crimes of sexual violence that cause pregnancy is proven by several points.
For example, as per point a, a doctor’s certificate regarding the gestational age is required, based on the incident of the crime of rape or other crimes of sexual violence that cause pregnancy.